Many Types on Campbell Its As 'Cots Start

From Packing Houses of Santa Clara County
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Potential Edith Daley article from the July 10, 1919 San Jose Evening News.

They say that the population of Campbell has more than doubled overnight - in less than a week at any rate - and one can well believe it as one walks about the streets of the little orchard city.

The reasons for such phenomenal growth are not far to seek, and are three: 1 - The California Canneries company, 2 - The J. C. Ainslee Packing company. 3 - The George E. Hyde company. All of these big concerns are running full blast, and it is their workers whom one sees about Campbell.

Many Types

And what a variety of them there are! There is the city girl, who takes it all as a lark, and , it is feared, is a little more afraid of spoiling her hands than the efficient worker should be. She is not averse to earning a few dollars for fall hats during the summer months, however.

Then there is the black-eyed little Italian girl - the most efficient worker in the game. It is a matter of dollars and cents with her and she clears $5 or $6 a day without half trying when the 'cots are running good.

There are the ex-tired businessmen of the bay cities who want to spend a few days away from the pavements and who have brought their wives and kiddies with them to enjoy the celebrated Santa Clara valley. And kiddies! There are scores of them,, of assorted sizes, shapes, and colors. All with little sunburned noses and knees, and a universally happy expression of health and pleasure.

Only the children of 14 or over work in the canneries. The rest spend their days in the cannery kindergartens - but more of those conveniences later.

New Plant

The plant of the California company is a new one and has been entirely built since May 13. The energy of its manager, S. Jacobs, is largely responsible for this rather surprising feat. After a highly creditable military career with the Canadian expeditionary forces in France, Mr. Jacobs returned to Campbell in May, and, taking over the affairs of the Campbell branch of the California canneries, he had a building rushed up which is just being completed as the rush of the 'cot season commences. Yesterday afternoon, the first shipment of canned 'cots to leave the valley for Liverpool this season started on its long journey by way of New York. There were 1400 cases of them, all... [column missing from Google News Archive site]. little working city that it is Campbell has really taken on much the appearance of a summer resort. There are numbers of tent colonies and a shelter is tucked away in nearly every available corner of the town. They have come from far and near to partitipate in the great "canning bee." They have walked; they have come on bicycles; here and there the old-fashioned camping wagons are moored which used to take parties into the Yosemite; many have come in "flivvers", with a number of varieties of the folding "homes" which canvas makers are turning out, and there are even "sixes" and "eights" alongside humble canvas shelters.

All Sorts of Houses

There are houses and cottages and army tents with floors and square white tents and pup tents and bits of canvas stretched about four poles and even a little corrugated iron now and then, although one would think that would have been a bit too much in yesterday's frying weather.

Speaking of the weather - the 'cots at present are just coming in nice shape. Yesterday the canneries were able to shut down in good time in the afternoon, but if the hot spell had continued they would soon have been working triple time. Four days more of such weather would have cost California a "cool" million, is the estimate of one prominent Cambell fruit man. A sort of festive atmosphere hangs over the little city, much like that much have been when bright sashed Spaniards strolled its streets. It is a business proposition with everyone, and yet there is little pleasure mingled with the business. The workers are better cared for this year than ever before. A short article tomorrow will detail the specific things which are being done for their employees by the canneries.