Phoenix Packing

From Packing Houses of Santa Clara County
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Business Details
Dates ~1900-~1922



Location Years Address Details
Chico 1905 ???
Fresno ???
San Francisco 1912 16 California St
San Jose 1902, 1904 Ryland nr San Pedro
San Jose 1906, 1907 285 W. Julian
San Jose 1907 Bassett St
San Jose 1918 New corner of Pleasant


Successor: Guggenhime?

Listed as Phoenix Dried Fruit in 1904.

Listed as "Phoenix Raisin Seeding and Packing Co" in Oct 6, 1906 San Francisco Call.

Mentioned in land description in groundwater pollution deed restrictions on FMC land.

Sold fruit to Armour during the anti-trust case (along with [Castle Brothers]):

Was going to merge with Castle, Guggehime, and [Rosenberg Brothers] in 1905, but [Rosenberg Brothers] apparently backed out after snooping on the others's business, according to an article on the lawsuit in the Oct 6, 1905 San Francisco Call. Phoenix owners may have been A. Gartenlaub and Alex Goldstein acc. to Call article.

Part owned "Pacific Coast Raisin Company" with [Castle Brothers].

Appeared to be owned by Guggenhime as of 1922 - advertised together (California Fruit News, March 18, 1922). April 8, 1922 California Fruit News notes that "the plant originally of the Phoenix Packing Company at Fresno, belonging to Guggenhime and Co and which was leased by them to the [California Peach and Fig Growers], was destroyed by fire on March 31 and the damage is placed at $200,000..."

"July 28, 1900 Pacific Rural Press ":

cites San Jose Mercury News declaring Phoenix Packing started building a three story warehouse, 150 feet long by 50 feet wide in Santa Clara County.