Curtis Packing
Business |
Dried Fruit Packer |
Main Location |
Los Gatos |
Location | Years | Address | Details |
Los Gatos | 1900 |
Sunsweet book list of 1900 packing houses. |
article article Curtis had packing house in Fresno. (Also worked for Inderrieden)
article article "So they commissioned artists---many of whom were German immigrants who worked in anonymity in San Francisco and Los Angeles to create distinctive, eye-catching labels."
VP and Superintendent in 1888 was John Wesley North, 1841 grad of Wellseley, lawyer:
Sold 22,000 boxes of raisins in 1886.
President in 1892: John K. Curtis. Based in San Francisco.
Morning Call, 8-14-1892 Became associated with California Prune and Apricot Growers in 1917, packer for 1917 season.